The answer is B
They character is a slave on a ship in the Middle Passage, or the middle of the Atlantic
Both groups are called Slavs. In the years before World War I, Serbia wanted all Slavic peoples to form one empire, free from rule by the Turks or Austria-Hungary. The Serbs' wish to unite all the Slavs in one empire is an example of. imperialism.
They did not want to share political and economic freedom with freed slaves.
People like Southern Democrats, Conservative Republicans, and corporate leaders didn't like the New Deal because it opposed the idea of a laissez-faire philosophy to govt. Southern Conservatives didn't favor the deal because they feared that the Jim Crow Laws of their region were threatened and corporate leaders and Republican Conservatives did not want the govt. to become anti-laissez-faire. Many Conservatives thought that the deal would go on to introduce acts like the Social Security Act that would allow people to become lazy as in some cases people use the govt. However, for the Second New Deal, FDR campaigned himself as an "ordinary working-class American" which republicans (critics) favored. FDR has stated that he though direct payments to the poor were "a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit." -- Republicans agreed with that, too.
One of my reasons that i would enlist to fight in the civil war is because i believe in equality. Slavery is something that should NEVER of been a thing to begin with. Even though it might not be in my self interest to fight in a war where i could possibly lose my life, I realize i would not just be fighting for my life, but for the lives of millions. Visualize a day in the of a slave and think how it would feel for people fighting for your freedom and know that you got to be apart of that and fighting a war that would change the lives of millions for the better is a great thing to be apart of.