every day
Everyday is an adjective we use to describe something that's seen or used every day. It means “ordinary” or “typical.” Every day is a phrase that simply means “each day.”
In "Poem," Rukeyser writes in a form of poetry called lyrical form and uses ordinary, everyday language.
Answer: D would be the correct way to rewrite that statement
B.) In his poem, “The White Man's Burden,” Rudyard Kipling never actually defines the white man's burden. ... The white man's burden is to work hard to help people (“To seek another's profit,/And work another's gain) who do not want to be helped. The white man's burden, then, is the set of problems that comes with imperialism.
First Person, (I'm pretty sure if the author/writer used I for the Narrator)
if not and the author uses third person (He, She, ) but can still "see" the others throughts for all the others ( omniscient) if the narrator can only see the thoughts of 1 or 2 characters (limited)