The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain” In (1926) was a short essay written by poet Langston Hughes for The Nation magazine. It became the manifesto of the Harlem Renaissance. In it Hughes said that black artists in America should stop copying whites, that they will never create anything great that way. Instead they should be proud of who they are, proud to be black, and draw from black culture. Not “white is right” but, as we would now say, “Black is beautiful”.
The fear of not being believed , if there are no witnesses , is a major reason in the case of sexual assault.
<span>Together with a feeling of shame and/or fear of reprisal by the offender. </span>
<span>Defence of such charges (against adult victims) usually argues the sexual encounter was consensual, or seeks to prove the victim is someone of loose morals and/or went further than intended - or the charge is totally false/malicious. </span>
<span>It's often difficult to prove 'guilt beyond all reasonable doubt' and many victims simply prefer to avoid the publicity and possible denigration of their character. </span>
<span>As regards domestic violence - the young will often be under threat of even more violence if they report the abuse - as can apply to adults, particularly females who might actually still 'love' the perpetrator, despite the violence - which will often result from a drink or drug problem, the bully expressing 'remorse' and promise not to do it again. </span>
<span>Until the next time, etc.</span>
Diction is word/phrase choice in a writing, and jargon is a set of terms that are used within a specialized group--for example, legal terms used within a law office would be considered jargon. not everyone knows what a docket is, or what it means to be subpoenaed. diction is simply the words a writer chooses when crafting a work.
they're similar in the way that they're both parts of language and they're both rhetorical strategies. jargon can make a person seem more professional, as they use the specialized language of their skill, and that ties into diction because specialized word choice can have a great effect on people.
Wes (Inmate) is taught that violence is always the answer while we are taught that is never the answer. When Wes did not get his way, he lost his temper. This will lead to getting into trouble with the law.
Sure hope this helps!
A choice I made , I dropped one of my closet friends , the bad consequence was I had a few friends and dropping her was a bad choice but the good part was she would always use me for my money or fame so I didn’t have to deal with her anymore