I’m pretty sure it’s B sorry if that’s wrong
“A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.”
According to this statement the people of the United States are free and they should not be ruled by a tyrant. The Founders believed the people of the colonies were free to determine their political destiny
Answer: AND
2. Complete the sayings with the words written on Chinese coins of luck.
Say the function of the entered words in the sentence.
On the third
• favors the bold. (noun)
I'm lucky then. (substantive pronoun)
time do not count. (adjective)
he will not know happiness. (adjective pronoun)
•? in the queue drew a happy fate. (ordinal)
Gives the fastest and needs up to 70 points
3/4 of the states (that's 38 states) ratify the proposed amendment. They do this by way of legislatures or special ratifying conventions.
The most powerful was economic prosperity of European countries. They could exploit the land and the people of Africa and take their raw resources such as diamonds for example and take them to Europe. There they would be able to make goods with them and sell them to people for a lot of money and this meant that they would grow vastly richer than they were before.