Former name: Czechoslovakia.
Now the 2 countries are Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
i kill a man that is the craziest conversation i have overheard
B. Cooperative federalism has been practiced in the US since 1860.
Cooperative federalism, or the concept of federalism in which local, state, and federal governments work together to create policies, replaced dual federalism in the 1930s.
A symbol is an object or an image that represents something else besides what it is materially. Usually, there is no connection between the object and what it represents but there is a consense among the people that it is that way. It also allows people to go beyond what is known and create linkages between different concepts and experiences.
I hope this answer helps you.
A major contribution of the psychoanalytic theorists is
insight into human beings and their psyche. Psychoanalytic theory shows that humans
are driven by the need to gratify their basal and instinctual need. It posits
that humans are not masters of their own destiny but rather slaves to their
instinctual needs.