Making a list of places to go
It would be A
Icarus did not listen to his father and flew higher, melting the wax from his wings and eventually falling from the sky. This shows that children make their own decisions regardless of what their parents say.
What the section Word Categorization is asking you to do is write the spelling word that has the same meaning as the other two.
1. Except
2. Adapt
3. Advise
4. Formally
5. Immigrate
6. Stationary
7. Advice
8. Devise
9. Complement
10. Personnel
11. Stationery
In the Use Antonyms section, you are being asked to find the spelling word that has the opposite meaning of the word given
12. imminent
13. adopt
14. emigrate
15. formerly
16. eminent
17. personal
In the Use the Dictionary section, you need to complete the phrase that is partially given.
18. compliment
19. device
20. accept