Procopius indirectly sets his standards for an ideal Roman ruler by criticizing profuse amounts of Justinian's deeds. In Procopius opinion, a Roman emperor should be characterized by traits that completely differ from those of Justinian and Theodora.
Well, this is very easy, first up; what's a fugitive?
A fugitive is a person that has escaped a place/or is in hiding;to avoid arrest/persecution.
So traveling by wagons,railroads,and walking makes sense. Except for one, slave ships, that makes no sense at all. Why would fugitive slaves travel on "slave ships?"
France (still a constitutional monarchy) declared war on Prussia and Austria in 1792 for various reasons, among them French concerns about counter-revolutionary emigres in German-speaking countries and in the Austrian Netherlands, and fear that Austria and Prussia might intervene in French affairs (either to support Louis XVI or to take advantage of the internal dissent).
After the execution of Louis XVI, several more states, Great Britain and Spain among them, severed ties. The Republic then declared war on those countries, and a general European conflict ensued in one form or another for the next 22 years.
Every one of them had to move from there homes and had lost loved ones along the way they had little to no food little to no shelter and some had kids which only tore them even more
“Leadership is the ability to lead and guide a team, motivating and inspiring individuals to get them to where they need to be.” ... Someone who is a leader and inspires one person may not inspire another. Every day is your chance to direct your career in where you want to go and inspire people along the way.