2. The man's ideas flowed rapidly
The speaker's head was filled with thought after hearing the answer.
Always allow MORE TIME THAN YOU THINK YOU WILL NEED to complete a writing project.
Writing projects differ in magnitude; there are some you can complete within a day while some such as dissertations may take as much as three months to complete. Completing a writing project successfully requires planning and hard work. One should never be tempted to be over confident about any writing project. It is better to start the project early and finish on time than to be stranded and not be able to submit when the time is due. Wisdom demands that one gives more time than one thinks is necessary to a writing project in order to allow for any unforeseen happening and in order to present an excellent work.
Well, all you need to do is fill in the words. i dont know if you want me to write the whole thing or only the exact words but lol-... ill do both ig?
Whole poem:
O captain my captain! our fearful trip is done, the ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won, the port is near, the bells i hear the people all exulting, while follow eyes and steady kneel the vessel grim and daring, but o heart! Heart! heart! o the bleeding drops of red, where on the deck my captain lies, fallen cold and dead
Just the fill in the blanks:
Captain Captain fearful trip done
ship weathered rack prize sought won
port bells people exulting
follow eyes steady keel vessel grim daring
heart heart heart
bleeding drops red
deck captain
cold dead
A market economy is an economy where most resources are owned and controlled by individuals and are allocated through voluntary market transactions governed by the interaction of supply and demand.advantages: Competition leads to efficiency because businesses that have fewer costs are more competitive and make more money.
Innovation is encouraged because it provides a competitive edge and increases the chance for wealth.
A large variety of goods and services are available as businesses try to differentiate themselves in the market.
Economic activity is encouraged because you need money to live and need to engage in economic activity (through employment or self-employment) to make money.
disadvantages: Environmental damage results with no government regulations because it's usually more expensive to produce in an environmentally sound manner, which reduces profits.
There tends to be a reduced social safety net, including such programs as unemployment insurance, Social Security, and Medicare, because these programs are supported through taxation.
command economy is one in which a centralized government controls the means of production. The government determines what is produced, how it is produced and how it is distributed. Private enterprise does not exist in a command economy. The government employs all workers and unilaterally determines their wages and job duties. There are advantages and disadvantages of command economy structures. Command economy advantages include low levels of inequality and unemployment and the common good replacing profit as the primary incentive of production. Command economy disadvantages include lack of competition and lack of efficiency.