Hmm, tricky because if you use a car made of diamonds and drive into a wall @ 400 mph then the car is fine but the wall is destroyed, but if you drive a car made of iron into a wall made of diamond @ 400 mph the crashes but the wall is fine... now if you drove 400 mph of diamond at an iron wall there are no survivors, but if you drive 400 mph of wall at ipm (iron per minute) a small state detaches from south america floating into the coast. buut in another research a car made of walls going 400 mph into a single diamond disrupting the universe causing a planet to collide with ours, leaving 5 survivors... So the research is conclusive diamond is the hardest metal know to man ;))))))))))))))
1) Violence: Blacks who tried to vote were threatened, beaten, and killed. Their families were also harmed. Sometimes their homes were burned down. Often, they lost their jobs or were thrown off their farms.
Whites used violence to intimidate blacks and prevent them from even thinking about voting. Still, some blacks passed the requirements to vote and took the risk. Some whites used violence to punish those “uppity” people and show other blacks what would happen to them if they voted.
2) Literacy tests: Today almost all adults can read. One hundred years ago, however, many people – black and white – were illiterate. Most illiterate people were not allowed to vote. A few were allowed if they could understand what was read to them. White officials usually claimed that whites could understand what was read. They said blacks could not understand it, even when they clearly could.
3) Property tests: In the South one hundred years ago, many states allowed only property owners to vote. Many blacks and whites had no property and could not vote.
4) Grandfather clause: People who could not read and owned no property were allowed to vote if their fathers or grandfathers had voted before 1867. Of course, practically no blacks could vote before 1867, so the grandfather clause worked only for whites.
Explanation: From about 1900 to 1965, most African Americans were not allowed to vote in the South. This was especially true in the Deep South: Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina.
White people in power used many methods to keep African Americans from voting. Some of these methods also prevented poor white people from voting.
1) The demand to increase the number of seats for women in the legislative assembly.
2) The demand of having one - third representation of women in legislative assembly.
the quote means that u can not do anything in life without anger. I agree with this quote because without anger you can defend yourself in a fight and the world would not be the same without anger.
The establishment of "Tobacco as a major Cash Crop" is the right answer.
John Rolfe introduced Tobacco (a commercial crop) in the colony of Virginia in 1612. During the course of time, Tobacco became the basis of the Economy of Colonial Virginia. The cultivation of tobacco required a big labor force, hence, the colonists used to purchase the bound servants and slaves to cultivate it.