No the water cycle dose not stop. the water cycle needs to keep going if it was to stop there would be no rain. the water evaporates and once it gets into the clouds it drops right, well if that was to stop there would be no rain the plants would be all dry.
Two points (2) - ten points (10)
Basically, the problem looks like: 2 - 10.
Since the 2 is in front and not the 10, the answer is going to be a negative.
Add 2 - 10 as if the 10 was in the front to get 8. Then, put a negative sign in front of it to make it the correct answer.
Answer: -8
I believe they end up with the ones they love, I read it last semester and it was pretty good. They all got to be with who they wanted
1. The appearance of a ghost is reported.
King Hamlet's ghost tells his son he has been murdered and demands revenge.
2. Hamlet says he disapproves of his mother’s remarriage.
His mother Gertrude has married Hamlet's uncle Claudius, who has become king and Hamlet suspects has killed his father.
3. Hamlet verbally Ophelia.
He has told her that he is in love with her, but Polonius has forbid her to talk to him.
4. Hamlet contemplates sui.cide.
In his most famous soliloquy, his indecisiveness and confusion lead to consider killing himself as a way of eliminating his difficulties.
5. Ophelia dies.
She becomes insane and drowns in the river
6. Laertes is killed in a swordfight.
He fights with Hamlet in a duel and is injured. Hamlet dies as well
7. Fortinbras takes over the throne
He has come from Poland to conquer Denmark. Before dying, Hamlet had told Horatio he wanted Fortinbras to become king.