1. The enforcement of the Navigation acts
2. Mercantilism
Everybody’s biased. If you can analyze the authors purpose when they were writing something, you’ll be more aware of this bias. As a history student, you need to acknowledge this bias when researching to ensure that what you are reading is factual and presents a reliable picture on what was going on during that period in time. It can provide insight or can be deceiving, based on the author’s purpose.
From a religious point of view, witch hunting was justified by the belief that witches served the devil and everything associated with the devil should be stopped.
This was directly linked to the culture of the population of that region, since people agreed that witches, for running away from Christian standards, should be punished.
There was, in Europe, the belief that witches were women who received demonic spirits, did jobs for the devil on earth, besides promoting all kinds of atrocities in the world.
European society was extremely religious and this religion was directly associated with the cultural aspects of that society, which had Christian concepts with absolute laws, which allowed those who disobeyed those concepts to be punished harshly. This supported witch hunting and allowed anyone (especially women) who was tried for witchcraft to be harshly punished, often with torture and death.
1st reason was that some people wanted to end slavery