In America we thankfully live in a democracy and therefore no one government or leader etc has absolute power over any other we’re about the majority
The United Kingdom (UK) constitution, being an unwritten one, relies on its Parliamentary sovereignty and rule of law to retain its authority in governing its four counterparts, namely England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. A constitution would provide for the establishment of various institutions of the State, regulation of relations between each institution and relations between the institutions and the citizens. The doctrine of separation of power is then introduced to regulate the constitution for more efficient check and balance of the governing minority. Aforementioned concept is particularly unique in the unwritten nature of the UK constitution as powers of each institution, the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary, are not codified nor listed on a tangible code of document that separation of power is diluted with a series of shared powers between each institution. Bound by conventions and ministerial responsibilities, coupled with recent reforms done to the UK constitution, occurrence of events involving an institution empowering over another is minimal albeit not having strict separation of powers.
How might these challenges make Mose more likely to break the law? With the fetal alcohol syndrome, the learning disability, and the living conditions, from a psychological standpoint he has no home, no family, is with the wrong crowd, and has no examples to show him how to be a responsible man and has no one to motivate him. A study shows the overall average for prisoners had either as learning disabled or borderline learning disabled for the three sites was 32%. approximately 60 percent of adolescents and adults with FASD reported interface with the legal system, and 35 percent reported having been incarcerated for a crime. 30 to 40 percent of foster children have been arrested since they exited foster care. Over one-fourth have spent at least one night in jail and over 15 percent had been convicted of a crime. Not to put the kid down but as you can see he didn’t have much of a chance to begin with according to the study’s but he can change, at the end of the day I don’t think he really understands what he is doing is wrong and he needs someone to guide him and if he doesn’t have that I guarantee you he will continue to go down the wrong path. He has no family, no one that loves him, isn’t going to school, around the wrong people, wasn’t raised by the right family, he’s never seen anything other then the wrong way of life
How might these challenges make Mose more likely to be victimized? In court a Jury and the judge are going to see what went wrong in his life, a lawyer is going to use that as their defense which honestly isn’t a bad thing I personally don’t think the kid needs to be in jail I think he should be put in a rehab, sent to a therapist or someone that could help him
What services might help Mose avoid involvement with the criminal justice system? No services can keep him out of the system but they will help, unless they are keeping him in a program that he is at everyday and he is staying there nothing can keep him out of the system, he is going to choose what he wants to do at the end of the day, but he could for example go to like I said before therapy, rehab, if under 18 back to foster care, it would probably be up to the court if the company presses charges. I personally think a judge would not make him spend any time in jail, Juvie, prison I think they would instead realize that he needs a support system and needs someone to guide and help him, I know that’s what I would choose to do with him if I was the judge
There are many answers so ima give one, We can listen and understand the candidates objective by looking at there past, Most would have done charity or giving to people in need. When they were younger they weren't as fortunate and lived like the majority before they became a candidate. This may show if they are trust worthy enough to represent the majority because they understand what its like for people in need.
The power of balance also lies therein that media and society will no longer be able to influence and control you through emotional manipulation.
The more I think about society, the more obvious it becomes to me that the majority of people are living a life that is not in balance. The imbalanced lifestyle aside, it is the (seemingly normal) polarization to the extreme that attracted my attention. It is apparent that the unaware masses simply love to turn towards polarization.