Reduced spending, 24 hour/day contacting council members, improved transport/energy efficiency, lower carbon emissions, increased availability of software, reduced fuel costs, energy efficient households
Honestly both C and D could make great ones, but I feel like D will be more simplistic so it doesn't take away from the information itself
When using power point slides in a speech, you should Instead of writing complete sentences for your bullet points, utilize brief phrases to highlight the points you want to convey in your speech. and Visual aids must be precise, clear, and of the highest caliber.
Because Use less words. As a general rule, limit your bullet points to 5 each slide and no more than 4-5 words per. Instead of writing complete sentences for your bullet points, utilize brief phrases to highlight the points you want to convey in your speech. During the body of your informative speech, provide supporting arguments.
Use PowerPoint features to support your arguments; do not, however, read directly from the slides. Use PowerPoint transitions and animations with caution since too much animation can easily sway your audience. Visual aids must be precise, clear, and of the highest caliber. Use visual aids to emphasize your arguments so that the audience can focus on you rather than having to read and listen at the same time.
To know more about power point:
Scout was bothered by the fact that Walter poured syrup all over his vegetables and meat because she was raised in a home that took into consideration table manners. Walter’s actions are against everything Scout has been taught from a young age. Pouring syrup all over your plate is disgusting and discourteous.
Do you mean texts or tests?