They have a few things in common that make it easy to mix the two. They are both works of fiction and have panel-style illustrations that do a large part of the storytelling. They are often tied to superheroes and villains, although many modern comics and graphic novels are experimenting with different story lines. But what sets them apart?
Many enthusiasts use binding as the determining factor in whether something is classified as a graphic novel or comic book. Comics, as many of you are familiar with, use traditional saddle stitching — meaning they are held together with staples in the spine. Graphic novels are bound either in hardback or tradepaper (soft cover) like a book, with a thick spine glued to hold the pages together.
Identify an advantage of working in teams.

C. More ideas. ✔

Dear _________ (name of school official),
One problem that I've noticed occurs frequently at _________(name of your school) is students arriving late. When students arrive late to school, it interrupts limited class time, which then is negative, even for the students who showed up to class on time. A potential solution for this problem could be an award system. Perhaps after a semester without being tardy, a student could earn a free period.
Thank you for considering my suggestion, and for helping to make our school a better place.
Sincerely, ________(your name)
Answer: sound pattern
The word means blending the sounds and combining the meanings of two other words. Like if you blend breakfast and lunch, you get brunch.