This coffee shop is popular, the line is always long.
i think.
I have managed to find so many articles scientists proven on your topic. However, you may contact the professional writers to have your article rewritten. You can find those at Prime Writing site. Eating a meal, any meal, reliably makes an animal, any animal, calmer and more lethargic. This means humans, too. Hunger makes animals alert and irritable, which explains why couples always fight about where to eat dinner. This emotional response encourages the animals to find food. "Poor mood and poor eating can become a vicious cycle in that if a person isn't eating properly, they can experience a drop in mood, and this drop in mood can make them not want to eat. If someone is constantly missing meals and constantly experiencing this stressor, the response could affect their emotional state on a more constant level.
I would have to say B. But don't rely on this! Here is my explanation;
High-born would mean that he is more important or in a higher grade. In this text, he refers him to be high-born because he is rich and she loves him. He [not the high-born] Loves her so much, he is there when she is on the boat [or what he refers to], her death, and more places [I have not read this poem in a while].
Then again, don't rely on this answer! I did my best. It was either B. or C. to me. B. made more sense to me, but we are two different people!
death with In a building
i would first start by everyone working there and asking them questions see what they were all doing and remove the not so suspeciouse and their storys line up
First, you find the simple subject and simple predicate.
If the '-ing' form of the verb is not part of the simple predicate, then determine how it is used in the sentence. If it's in a noun position, then it's a gerund. If it is used as an adjective, then it will be a participle.