The work has several instances of Winston's curiosity and desire for the past. In light of Oceania's control of the present via modifying its history, Winston's fixation with the past makes sense. Winston often reminisces about his youth, particularly about his mother and younger sister, throughout the book.
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to flashback to an incident readers will appreciate now that they know more about the trees' origins
Explanation: I took the test and this was the correct answer
The answer would be B. She is a female Hercules; she has superior strength.
An allusion is essentially when an author makes some kind of reference to something that isn't really "part" of the text. By this I mean that the author is referencing to something historical or literature. Like in this sentence the author references Hercules. Hercules is from mythology. A easier way to think about this is linking it to real life. A lot of times teenagers "quote" or reference their favorite songs/TV shows/ movies/books in daily conversation. In this situation the teenager is making an allusion.
Hope this made sense!
~Just a girl in love with Shawn Mendes
In this world where we live today, people tend to avoid paying attention to anyone who is talking, unless you have a good impression on them. Have you ever asked yourself why don’t we always believe words? I guess the reason of that is that words are alterable; we say something, and we change it the next minute right away. I therefore firmly believe that actions speak louder than words.
First of all, every single person on earth has the freedom to say whatever he/she wants, but it is not something guaranteed that everyone is going to believe you, or take you words into consideration. People nowadays are more likely to believe the language of the body, because it is the evident truth. For example; when someone runs for presidency; he wants to get people’s votes. Thus, he/she starts improving his/her image among people by visiting hospitals, making donations, and giving free stuffs away.
Furthermore; words don’t have the effect that actions do on people. Words are easier to forget, while actions can be forgotten that easy; actions would last forever if they had a great impression on us. It is also impossible to show people how truthful your words are without an evident action. For example; when you say ‘I missed you’ to a friend, and you haven’t even bothered yourself to pick up the phone to know how he/she was doing, then obviously these words are just lies. Hence, actions are more realistic when it comes to expressing our emotions.
To put it all in a nutshell, actions are the optimum way to make people believe you. Words could be a method to convey messages, but it’s not as efficient as actions. Believe me, even if you had the ability to make such great speeches like Barack Obama, you are going to need actions that support your words.
False the both are in poetry but are not the same