When you breathe in, or inhale, your diaphragm contracts and moves downward. This increases the space in your chest cavity, and your lungs expand into it. The muscles between your ribs also help enlarge the chest cavity. They contract to pull your rib cage both upward and outward when you inhale
If amoeba specie placed in the sea water, it will die because sea water contains excess of salts which adversely affect the growth of amoeba.
Amoeba is unicellular organisms i. e. made of a single cell. They are eukaryotic organisms i. e. having true nucleus. Amoeba is found in fresh water lakes and hot spring. Amoeba is not able to live in sea water because sea water contains salt which are not good for amoeba.
1. The benefits include safer and more efficient nuclear power plants. The kind of energy that is produced is clean with no greenhouse gases and the cost of operating a nuclear power plant is inexpensive. 2.In terms of the disadvantages of uranium, it can have deleterious health effects and can lead to death because of its radioactivity. Radioactive waste is also an additional issue, if it is not disposed of at a safe place and not stored properly, it can leak radiation. Such emissions can last for centuries.
3. It produces no greenhouse gases or other waste and Tides are easily predictable. 4. High tidal power plant construction costs, Negative influence on marine
The correct answer would be a. the sum of all genetic traits in a population’s individuals at a given time.
A gene pool is defined as a sum total of all the genes present in an inter-breeding population at a specific time.
It includes all the alleles of all the loci within the genes of a interbreeding population or species.
The composition of the gene pool of a population can change with course of a time due to evolution.
A large and diverse gene pool enhances the ability of a population to adapt, survive and evolve in a nature.