The great awakening allowed for new ideas to arise like how we use to see the world as the earth being the center of the universe we are able to establish our own ideas on what is actually the center of the universe and be more open minded to those and accepting as well as new religions and inventions that we wouldn’t have here today if it wasn’t for the great awakening theorist
There is a cost of attending a college. The money and time that you spend on your education is an opportunity cost. You could the same amount of money and time for something else. What else could you do? What kind of lifestyle could you choose? What carrier would you have? All of these questions bear the concept of opportunity cost in this context.
Answer and Explanation:
Phelps criticized Friedman's position, because he said it was totally irrelevant to analyze the tax functions of inflation without assessing product demand, as Friedman suggested in his theory. He stated that this would only be possible if there was a way to predict an optimal rate of inflation in different situations of demand and supply, otherwise, in Phelps' words it would be the same as "Professor Friedman gave us Hamlet without a prince".
Phelps' positioning would be better considered by the RBC model, since this model is based on real and not imaginary facts.
I didn't have enough mice in the study.
Validity: In psychological research, the term validity is defined as a particular test's capability of measuring what the test is required to measure. In validity, the term valid refers to strong.
Types: Construct, face, criterion, conclusion, internal, and external validity.
In the question above, they said that the results were not valid because I didn't have enough mice in the study. For any research to work properly or give rise to a valid result then the research should include enough subjects to analyze the effect and therefore by having only two mice doesn't prove the study to be valid.