The collectivization is a process through which there's forced consolidation of the individual peasant households into collective farms. Basically, this was a process in which the people that were more capable, hard working, managed to prosper in life and have larger pieces of land, were forced to give their land to the others and all together to work on it and own it in a way, with everyone having an equal share. This was going to the advantage of the people that were lazier, were not very smart, and din't really had any chance of prospering in normal circumstances. This process led to destroying the capable people in the communist countries, which led to major economic problems, especially when it came to the agriculture, so very often there was lack of food.
to limit conflicts with American Indians
It was signed on June 28, 1919, by the Allied and associated powers and by Germany in the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles and went into effect on January 10, 1920.
to become more aware of one's own culture To learn about ways different cultures approach common human problems To appreciate and enjoy the attributes of another culture
You are the third person that asks a question that has to do with us doing the work and no credit is given to anybody