If this is MLA format, in-text citations only require the author and the page number. if no author exists, then you provide the title and the page number. if there is no author and no page number, you simply give the title.
assuming the author is starks, the page is 97, and the title is "animals"--you only have to put (Starks 97) in parentheses. the author and the page is enough information for someone to access your source.
Hercules was the son of Zeus, king of the gods, and the mortal woman Alcmene.
It shows that for people in depression, there is a veil that disguises reality, this is the veil of happiness, that makes everything look different than it really is, but whoever has depression believes that this veil has been removed and that this person can now see everything as it really is.
As you may already know, depression is a very common disease in our society. However, even though it is a much talked about and debated disease, this disease presents itself as a very complicated and often misunderstood condition. This means that people who do not have depression do not understand how a person can become depressed if there are so many things that can bring happiness in the world.
Solomon was very important to overturn this concept, since he managed to explain how a depressed individual thinks, using a veil for this explanation.
Solomon said that for depressed people, reality is disguised with the veil of happiness. Depression removes that veil and allows that individual to see things as they really are, without happiness. For this reason, depressed people cannot see reasons to be happy.