They agreed the government would be Republican after the American Revolution
What is a Republican Government?
A republican government is a form of government wherein the elected citizens represent the people in governing the state. States pr provinces have some autonomy under this type of government and give the central government less power as was the case after the American Revolution.
The American Revolution occured after America gained independence from the Great Britain.
As a result, America set up the new government based on the Articles of Confederation, a written document that defined the functions of the government of the US.
The system of government(republican) which allowed the states more autonomy and power, established by the US and guided by the former colonists was considered weak and was later changed to abide by the US constitution of 1789.
please read more on the American Revolution here:
from the best (lowest score) to worst (highest score)
Garcia, Woods, Ells, Kelly
The 1996 welfare reform legislation boosted funding for the child care block grant by around $4.5 billion over 6 years. ... Largely as a result of these provisions, total federal spending on child care, Head Start, and other child development programs has increased from $9 billion in 1993 to over $20 billion in 2001.
The history of capitalism is marked by important displacements of human groups that have seen the need to leave their traditional places of settlement to go to where the needs of the accumulation of capital have summoned them. True, migrations predate much of the history of capitalism, but with this the spatial mobility of men takes on dimensions that were previously unknown.
The United States is a country made up of migrants and migrants. Those who came through the Bering Strait, those who arrived from Europe, those who came from Asia, those who had their origin in the south. Those who arrived, continue and will continue to arrive from all over the world. Those who made it multinational and multicultural. This country is the product of a long history of multiple migratory phases, many of them overlapping, which produce a highly heterogeneous panorama.
The migration process, brought with it, new ideas, and new processes that helped the industrialization of the USA, and as mensona previously, this group of migrants transformed the new nation into a cosmopolitan and multicultural nation
The son of Eleanor and a hero of the crusades.