A. Mary Whiton Calkins
Mary Whiton Calkins was a student of a renowned psychologist named William James. She was always regarded as a brilliant student by every professor that ever taught her.
In 1896, Mary Whiton Calkins managed to fulfill all the qualification to receive a doctoral degree from Harvard University. But she was denied because at the time that type of degree was only accessible for male applicants. But this didn't stop her from pursuing her career in psychology.
Her works keep receiving acknowledgement from experts ever since. In 1905, she managed to gained enough recognition to be appointed as the first female president of American Psychological Association
The 1917 Russian Revolution was not, as many people suppose, one well organised event in which Tsar Nicholas II was overthrown and Lenin and the Bolsheviks took power. It was a series of events that took place during 1917, which entailed two separate revolutions in February and October (with a great deal of political wranglings inbetween), and which eventually plunged the country into Civil War before leading to the founding of the Communist State.
The original meaning of the word philosophy comes froms the greek roots philo meaning "Love" and sophos, or "Wisdom".
Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to enlist. Lincoln used judicial procedures to uphold the Union. Lee joined the Southern army as ALL slave holding states seceded.