Sistemas orgánicos
Aunque cada órgano del cuerpo realiza sus funciones específicas, los órganos también funcionan juntos por grupos, a los que se denomina sistemas orgánicos (ver Principales sistemas orgánicos). Los médicos clasifican las enfermedades y sus propias especialidades médicas de acuerdo a los diferentes sistemas orgánicos.
Africa is the only place where giraffes live in the wild
Any characteristic, whether a physical trait, a behaviour, a physiological adaptation etc can make an organism more or less likely to survive in a particular environment.
A dark colour could help a rabbit survive if it lives in a dark forest, because predators can't see it so well, but it would be less likely to survive in the arctic, where the environment is all white and it would show up.
In terms of the characteristics, think about: does it help the organism get food? Does it help protect the organism from predators? If it does, that organism is more likely to survive, and pass the characteristic on to it's offspring. If a bacterium has a characteristic of not being killed by antibiotics, this will help it to survive and breed.
herbivore: koala, etc
Carnivore: tigers, lions, hyenas
It stands for calcium chloride