Well im finaly going to get sleep for the first time in a while. Im ready to finnaly sleep and not have to worry about working all night for a grade.
46 ( I think)
betta, matte, metta, beam, bema, mabe, abet, bate, batt, beat, beta, mate, matt, meat, meta, tame, team, etat, tate, teat, qat, bam, atm, bae, bat, bet, mae, mat, met, tab, tam, tem, ate, att, eat, eta, tae, tat, tea, tet, ab, am, be, at.
Corresponde a alternativa A. Mitos
चित्रं दृष्ट्वा मञ्जूषापदानां सहायतया पञ्च वाक्यानि रचयत।
(चित्र को देखकर मंजूषा के पदों की सहायता से पाँच वाक्य बनाइए।)
It is consider as 2 words
Saludos :)