Europeans needed spices because otherwise their food would taste rancid and gross. In a pre-refrigeration age, the only way to choke down spoiled meat would be to load it with plenty of cardamom or cloves.
By the United States in March 4, 1789
C. Gilgamesh
Gilgamesh is the semi-mythic King of Uruk in Mesopotamia best known from The Epic of Gilgamesh (written c. 2150 - 1400 BCE) the great Sumerian/Babylonian poetic work which pre-dates Homer's writing by 1500 years and, therefore, stands as the oldest piece of epic world literature.
John Kennedy was around 12 years old when the Great depression occurred. He experienced poverty and economic hardships.
This was a case of criminal law, so we had to immediately contact our attorneys to understand the best course of action.