In his left hand he held a sack, and his right hand held the arm of a boy in an iron grip.
this demonstrates Hussain as a cruel man, as he is firmly gripping the hand of another human being, with a sack in his other hand. He treats others as if they are less important than himself, for what it seems to be money.
believe that time has played a huge role in Mr. Qiang's work. It has given him the experience to keep improving his art. From the beginning to his latest piece you can see how his work gets better and better. Learning and improving as time moves along. He increases his knowledge and is able to apply it to his work making it some of the most beautiful displays that many including myself have ever seen.
Hi, you've asked an incomplete question. However, I assumed you are referring to the article, <em>"Scratching the Surface of Mars"</em> by Pamela G. Conrad.
In that article, the author tries to stress the point that the technology that is used to explore Mars is very important.
The author for example commented on the efforts of scientists to discover if life could be supported on Mars.
Not a whole lot but I would ask someone who likes math. :)