The Democratic party, because the disapproved of slavery
The answer is Enhance
Simple presentations with a power point slide and oral commentary can get boring very quickly.
If you are a teacher presenting to a class or a business person promoting your venture, you would understand the power of a great presentation.
Visual aids can greatly enhance the experience for an audience. A simple in-slide video clip, a visual joke, a giff, and beautiful animations can all provide an extra touch to your presentation and help you connect with your audience.
reduce deficit=he turned deficits into surpluses
raise taxes= he raised taxes on higher income taxpayers
expand global trade=he signed NAFTA into law
The thesis is usually supposed to be in the first paragraph, mostly at the end at times but it depends on your context of the paragraph. It's preferably supposed to be 1-2 sentences.
(-Source: I took AP Literature in senior year of high school and passed the AP test)