Which element of fiction dominates the passage above?
A- characterization of the narrator
B-development of the plot
C- illustration of the setting
D- advance
That correct answer is: A: Characterization of the narrator
D. A story that starts with the climax
Fragmentation is a technique in which the parts of a story are not told in chronological order. Typically, the climax of a story is between the middle and end, therefore, a story that starts with the climax is not told in chronological order and is a good example of fragmentation.
Unclear question. I infered you are referring to the grammatical structure/usage of some expressions in the sentence.
It is an Idiomatic expression.
The expression "following the crowds" is idiomatic, meaning It should be understood figuratively.
In a sense, as used in this context it implies there's a price for doing whatever others do pertaining to how long they cook. So one must maintain his own cooking time schedule not following the crowd.
The answer is going to be D because a parable is just a long lesson in the form of a story.
1- he said that he WOULD buy a book.
2-my means ARE limited.
3- ______not sure_____
4- He talked as if he WAS a policeman.
5- She admitted that she WAS at fault.
6- He told me that ‘honesty was the best policy.’
7-you said that you HAD done it.
8- he was so weak he couldn’t walk.
9- It WILL BE raining heavily tomorrow.
10-he worked hard so that he COULD pass.