First letter.
Acronyms use the first letter of each word for their phrase.
A few examples can include: ETA, BRB, MIA
E stimated
T ime
A rrival
B e
R ight
B ack
M issing
I n
A ction
B) a white dwarf is stronger than a supergiant, and if it closer to the earth a star has more magnitude so it is B
In this study, we tested the effects of NEAA-deprived diets and checkpoint inhibitor anti-PD-1 and anti-PD-L1 in colon cancer using syngeneic mouse model (Balb/c) bearing tumors of mouse colorectal cancer cell line CT-26. Three diets were tested, including a natural rodent diet Teklad ENVIGO Global 16% Protein Rodent Diet (control 1), a formulated NEAA-complete diet COMPLETE (control 2, using amino acid mix in place of protein), and a formulated NEAA-deprived diet FTN203 (treatment, using amino acid mix in place of protein). Both COMPLETE and FTN203 have the same nutritional structures, contain 17% w/w protein equivalent, and are isocaloric. After tumor size-based randomization, these diets were provided to mice ad libitum throughout the whole test. Each of these diets was used alone or combined with anti-PD-1 antibody (i.p., twice per week for 2 weeks) or anti-PD-L1 antibody (i.v., twice per week for 2 weeks).
Are you asking what she should do? If you're asking that i suggest whoever it is that got hurt to decide for herself. If the concussion is very bad and she have seen a doctor and they told you to sit out or something else then you should do as told. But if its mild, then she can know her limits and what she wants to do.