Goldstein'a belief in the eternity of war is rooted in the belief that a stalemate exists between the countries at war that cannot be broken.
Answer and Explanation:
In Poe's short story "The Cask of Amontillado," the main character Montresor is luring his friend Fortunato to the catacombs under his home. His intention is to get revenge after being offended by Fortunato.
<u>To lure him, Montresor uses Fortunato's own pride against him. He lies by telling Fortunato he will call someone else to check if he bought real Amontillado. Fortunato is quite an arrogant wine connoisseur, so he makes a point of going himself.</u>
<u>That reveals a few things about Montresor. We can tell he is intelligent and manipulative. He used his knowledge of his friend's personality to deceive him. He is also quite a good actor, so to speak, since Fortunato was a bit suspicious at first, but Montresor's behavior soon dissipated his doubts.</u>
Srry cant help u i dont see it really well