The author called the town quiet to build an element of surprise.
Knowing what we know now, I would have left the town when given the warning. The reader is shocked when they find out an unassuming quiet little town could be so horrid. I think the reason why Bev, Ezze and Benji stayed behind was so they would be in-character and it was sensible considering the situation they were in.
Long journeys are difficult. Friends are willing to help each other. Selfishness is not rewarded. Moral: You get nothing from being selfish.
(credits to tah internet)
Nirvana is a place of perfect peace and happiness, like heaven. In Hinduism and Buddhism, nirvana is the highest state that someone can attain, a state of enlightenment, meaning a person's individual desires and suffering go away. This belief emphasizes meditation and how much it helps achieve this state.
Researchers are someone who searches about someone and learns about someone's daily lives or talents.