She should add a link back to her claim. Hope it helps :)
You could tell your business about how the internet reaches to millions and possibly billions of users that would be willing to purchase your products. More people are likely to discover your business online than in tangible life.
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Point of view
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The tone in a story is the view or perspective from which the story is told. If the story is told in the view of the villain's side, then the tone would definitely change. If the tone is told from the hero's perspective, then the tone would be different as well. The point of view reveals the tone because depending on who's point of view you are reading about or from, the mood will have changed. This is why some author's write a chapter in one person's point of view, then write the next chapter in the next person't point of view. The tone is based on the point of view.
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Surprised, because the pigs and the others animals are actually trying to stick up for there self’s