Time-space compression refers to the set of processes that cause the relative distances between places (i.e., as measured in terms of travel time or cost) to contract, effectively making such places grow “closer.” The idea of a “shrinking world” is not new and, in the face of rapid advances in travel, such as the jet ...
The upper class consisted of the royal family, rich landowners, government officials, important priests and army officers, and doctors. The middle class was made up chiefly of merchants, manufacturers, and artisans. The lower class, the largest class by far, consisted of unskilled labourers.
2.89 Million People
Most of Argentina is mountainous (The Western side), which has extreme cold temperatures which makes it a popular skiing destination for tourists, it also happens to be not as populated. However, what makes Buenos Aires so different is that it's along the ocean, which makes it a much more livable and sustainable climate, it also gets a large economic boost because it has a large docking and trade system located there.
Examples of this would be other lightly populated rough climate countries such as Mongolia, which has only a population of 3 million despite it's large land borders.