Generally, rampant killing in Ghana has reach beyond his nerves. Rampant killing is mostly done by grown up citizens in the country as a whole.
This mostly occur at a time where they desire to be rich quickly without any tidieous moments and work. This is where the malam ask for human blood, there comes the chance to kill his fellow human being.
Secondly, poor security system also leads to rampant killing in Ghana.
To end, government should stand on his feet and make strict rules of law so as to curb this on going and unfortunate behavior.Thus anyone who break the law will be dealt with accordingly. Less I forget, the rule of law states that the law itself is supreme and thus nobody is above the law even the president.
Mavis Obeng Tiwaa,
BECE candidate.
3rd person
Third person is when the narrator is telling the story, not the main character.
The correct answer is D. Complex
That is because a complex sentence consists of a connected independent and a subordinate clause. In this case, "before i'm finished" is a subordinate clause and "i'll know all of your names" is an independent clause.
Violence can be viewed in different ways, by different actions.
When we say that "violence has many faces," we're saying that violence can be done in countless acts. Listing some violence acts can be simply a fight, maybe a bloody battles between two opponents with a weapon or bare-hands, or anything that involves a physical force that is intended to hurt an individual.
Muir has a relaxing effect on the reader.
The words used by Muir in this paragraph to describe the effect Calypso had on him produces a calming and relaxing effect on the reader. When Muir was close to Calypso, he forgot all his worries.
The feelings of weariness and hunger that Muir experienced all vanished and he ended up feeling refreshed and strong. These descriptions would produce a feeling of relief and calm on the reader.