During meiosis, sister chromosomes of a homologous pair separate into different cells during gamete formation . This mainly occurs in Metaphase I of meiosis where the homologous chromosomes line up the metaphase plate in their sets. Each chromosomes of a pair are then pulled to different poles of the cells separating them. Each of these chromosomes carries a set of alleles of a gene. Each cell/gamete, therefore, carried half the set of alleles of all genes compared to autosomal cells. There many combinations of these sets that can occur depending on the number of chromosomes the organism has.
These cells when combined with that of another parent during fertilization, form a zygote that grows and develops into a mature organism. The offspring will bear the characteristics of both parents because it inherits half a set of chromosomes from both parents.
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Cytoplasm of RBCs contain large amount of hemoglobin which contain iron binds to haem group. it carry and transport oxygen from lungs to all parts of body and return carbondioxide back to the lungs from the different tissues.
Normal level of hemoglobin for men= 13.5 to 17.5 g/dl and for women =12.0 to 15.5 g/dl
Low level of hemoglobin is the indication of anemia
The nurse should make a note of it so that the doctor will know not to prescribe this particular medicine.
In each cell, through a process of gene expression, DNA is transcripted into mRNA which are templates used to create different proteins resulting in different functions in your body.