If this is a riddle and a pun then his name was Donald Trump.
These riddles usually revolve around the idea that it's meant for the current president of the United States since his name was Donald Trump even in 1996. If it wasn't a riddle and the the question was better made to ask what was the name of the president at that time, then the answer would be Bill Clinton, but since it's a joke then it's the name of the current president.
The issue of school speech<span> or </span>curricular speech<span> as it relates to the </span>First Amendment to the United States Constitution<span> has been the center of controversy and litigation since the mid-20th century. The First Amendment's guarantee of </span>freedom of speech<span> applies to students in the public schools. In the landmark decision </span>Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District<span>, the </span>U.S. Supreme Court<span> formally recognized that students do not "shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate".</span>
They gave us cheap work to help us build stuff