Scan your draft to catch typing mistakes.
Review your word choice to ensure the writing is in formal style.
During the editing stage, you need to make sure that your work has no typing errors and the word choices that are being used must convey the exact meaning that needs to be conveyed.
Editing stage also requires you to see if the paragraphs are in the order they need to be and the quotations are properly cited according to the given citation rules.
It is most likely to occur in the middle
They most likely wanted slaves to be afraid so they did not collect the courage to escape or disobey. With low self esteem they might not try anything.
Good luck!
Dear, {Friend}
The day I saw that you were congratulated for something awesome! Congrats!
I'm so glad of what you have accomplished! Don't ever give up on your dreams because now they just came true! I am so proud of you and will always be here for you! You will always be my best friend!
I hope you stay this way forever and will always achieve your dreams no matter what goes in your way.
Never Give Up! :D
Very proud;
C. Most thing we do in life are out of habit