Keep being the same way you are
It must be considered by the senate, before passing it to the president for approval. Both houses (congress and senate) needs to both approve before going to the next approval. Hope this helps. =)
The answer is Big government—we heard a lot about it when Ronald Reagan was first seeking the Presidency. Lately the topic has attracted less attention from politicians, commentators, and scholars. But the thing itself has not disappeared. Over the past decade, as over the past century, American government has continued to grow. Back in 2005
From what I can remember, states' rights was a large factor contributing to the Civil War. With Lincoln becoming president and representing the North, the Southern states seceded, leading to a war. The state governments of the South argued that since the Constitution and federal government was created by the states, the federal government had no right to stop states from seceding. President Lincoln and other northerners disagreed and wanted to preserve the Union by stopping states from seceding.
After the war, I believe the South still disagreed on a strong federal government. They wanted to rule the area by themselves.