he leaves
due to not having a he will or even he shall leave
Answer: Stage 1 of the GAS, which is alarm reaction.
We all undergo stressful times at some point in our lives like when we have lost a loved one, lost a job and facing financial issues such as Anders.
This is the moment in which our body needs to adapt in order to survive the stressors.
What is general adaptation syndrome?
GAS refers to the three stage that we physiological go through when we are facing a stressful situation.
1. Alarm reaction stage
In alarm reaction stage we begin to experience the first signs of stress.
Now this is when out fight or flight response starts to kick in , under which our body will tell us whether we need to fight against the stressor or we need to run for our lives
A stress hormone is released as our heart rate speeds faster.
2. Resistance is the recovery stage after the initial shock in stage one this would be a stage in which Anders body will try to restore his initial normal self and maintain balance. It will bring down the blood pressure eventhough the body may still remain alert.
If the balance is never reached and the stress continues for a long time such that it becomes a chronic issue ,the body fails to regain its initial strength he will proceed to the 3.exhaustion stage when the body has failed to fight. This is a serious stage in which a person may begin to suffer from depression and anxiety.
When Milo asks it to wait, he answered with his weight.
This bird has untidy feathers, long beaks and grey. It liked chaos and was a nuisance. Ironically, he is from a place called context and yet he likes to take every speech out of context. He twists what people say.
As an example in this story, after the bird flies away, Milo shouts at it to wait but the bird replied out of context by saying thirty four pounds which is weight.
A big conflict in the world today is climate change. A lot of people are worried that the planet is starting to warm up, and they say that the world is gonna end in 12 years....
but on the other side of the spectrum people say that it is a normal cycle for the planet to heat up, because the planet is always heating and cooling in 10 year increments, which is why there where at least 5 ice-ages in the history of this planet.
The solution for this conflict is to do more scientific studies and be 100% sure about what we have to do before we go screwing with the planet.