A motif of two or more letters, typically a person's initials, usually interwoven or otherwise combined in a decorative design, used as a logo or to identify a personal possession.
Maybe Art as Representation
Art as Expression of Emotional Content and
Art as Form
I'm not sure because it's kind of subjective to opinion, but these are three categories for the definition of art
I would say The illuminated manuscripts because it captures the style of secular medieval art.
Dance Stronger<span> is a multi-media resource for </span>dancers<span> who want to perform better ... It is very specific strength training created by a professional </span>dancer<span> turned </span>personal<span> trainer. You get to learn at your </span>own<span>pace and get feedback from Monika. ... Girls who have never lifted before in </span>their<span> lives can go rock it in the weight room.</span>