there can be multiple reaskns skme may be:
poor workjng conditons
minimum wage
Like Soghdiana, Khwarazm was an expansion of the BMAC culture during the Bronze Age which later fused with Indo-Iranians during their migrations around 1000 BC. Early Iron Age states arose from this cultural exchange. List of successive cultures in Khwarazm region 3000–500 BC: Keltiminar Culture c. 3000 BC
King Henry would most likely feel a bit of guilt for locking her in the tower to her death. While he was very determined to produce a male heir, he was still a Christian with Christian morals. As to his response, I'm not sure if a response is truly necessary since the letter was more of a "please don't forget me, and you are condemned to dam,nation for this" declaration. If he did respond it would probably be a senseless justification for her imprisonment and perhaps an apology.
After his victory of the union in Virginia, he decided to take the fight to Maryland because it was a slave holding state.
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