It was art. The Neolithic Age was known was the New Stone Age. It was a way of advancing the innovating the culture.
Internal bench-marking, external bench-marking
Bench-marking is simply creating a rank for results. By simply comparing the product, service or work process among the similar organization, departments or providers, you can identify and implement the practices that leads to a good outcome.
<u>Internal bench-marking</u>
looks at the performance of peers within the organization over time.
<u>External Bench-marking</u>
It is a comparison among different entities.
Because there are unique benefits from the internal-external bench-marking organization that performs both have the most to gain it.
Many Mexicans who lived in Texas, wanted to escape from Mexico. They did not like rules and the laws made by Santa Anna, Mexico's president. The Tejanos and Texans decided to fight for their independence.
How much do you get paid? If you get loaned and you die before giving the money back will it count?
The right answer is: constructivist approach.
This method of learning was developed by Jean Piaget and is based on the premise that students should be responsible and active participants in their own learning processes and not just to receive information passively.
The main characteristics of this learning method are the interaction and autonomy of the students and an example would be the realization of an experiment and the analysis of its results.
I hope this information can help you.