The answer is heterozygous. It means that she has two different alleles for one specific gene. And homozygous means that it has two same alleles for one specific gene. Heterogenous/homogenous means the different or same between organisms.
Both conditions are caused by an inability of the body to produce adequate acetylcholine.
Botulism is a potentially fatal condition caused by the toxin of bacteria <em>Clostridium botulinum</em>. Early symptoms are weakness, slurred speech, blurred vision etc. It may lead to vomiting, abdominal swelling and respiratory failure if not treated. The toxin hinders the release of neurotransmitter acetylcholine due to which motor neurons are not able to send signals to muscle cells. Muscles are not able to function properly due to which paralysis occurs.
Myasthenia gravis is also a neuromuscular condition like botulism. But unlike botulism release of acetylcholine is not hindered here. The receptors for acetylcholine are destroyed or altered by body's own immune system. Acetylcholine despite being present is not able to relay the signal which leads to muscle weakness. Symptoms are almost similar to those of botulism.
A group of specialized cells that transport fluids and nutrients is called a vascular tissue
There are alternative forms of storage molecule gathering.
The nucleus is a central placed organelle in eukaryotic cells. It is said to contain the "blueprint of life" known as the DNA. The DNA is a structure located in the nucleus of the cell that encodes information necessary for the growth and development of the organism.
This information encoded by the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of the cell includes how the organism will reproduce, hence, DNA is called the blueprint of life.