I would guess a quarter note becausethats thw first one you get taught lol
At the beginning of Act I, Nora seems pretty easy-going and nonchalant - even a little bit superficial. She seems to love her husband, even though he shows a patronizing attitude toward her and scolds her for spending too much money and resembling her father.
However, she already has some small acts of rebellion - such as eating macaroons in spite of the promise she gave Torvald. Her cheerfulness also seems a little bit strained. We can see that she is a dependent woman who is expected to play by certain rules. We can also anticipate that their marriage is not perfect, even though they act happy.
The authors in various stories develop characters through other characters dialogue in ways of describing how a character feels towards the main character which express is how the author feels about the character.
Answer: C - There is never a mention of Capulet or Montague
Explanation: Hope I helped <3
When utilizing words within a sentence, we must first recognize two things: their definition and the ways that they can be used. As such, when we have these elements, we can generate sentences that not only use them correctly, but through these sentences we can further understand the meaning of the words through context. Defy, as per the dictionary, means to disobey an order, or challenge someone or something and unequal means not being able, or not having the resources, to deal with someone or a situation, or also, a variation in size, shape or other characteristics that make two things differ and one be superior to the other.
As such, a good sentence to combine these two words could be thus: We have always been unequal to the task of dealing with corrupt people because we fear to defy those who we perceive have power and control over us.