Since Demeter was the goddess of the seasons, basically, whenever Persephone was in the Underworld with Hades, it was winter. There was no autumn or fall in Ancient Greece. It was winter because Demeter was sad. Once Persephone returned, it would become summer and spring again because Demeter would rejoice.
depends what are you doing contemporary. decision are affected by numerous factor, like time, circumstances, family background, peer pressure, ambition, poverty, social status etc. specifically, in my case i look into the bigger picture of how the job i am going to select will serve my ambition along with my family and clan needs. similarly, am i of a little help to humanity or am i contributing something positive for the society, if the answer is yes, then i wont look back over the decision i made. as mentioned above those factors were kept in mind while choosing or making the decision. however, if things does not go as, i or you planned then the lesson is learnt of not going to make same mistakes again.
I think the answer is probably b