They have a magical power.
"There were wings on his cap and sandals, and he carried a winged staff, around which two golden serpents were twined."
According to the text from "Perseus and the Quest for the Head of Medusa", it is narrated that Perseus is sent by Poseidon to kill Medusa and he is aided by Athena and other gods who ensure his victory and successful escape.
Among some of the things that were given him was a winged sandal and it had magical properties which could make Perseus fly.
The evidence from the text that supports the answer above is "There were wings on his cap and sandals, and he carried a winged staff, around which two golden serpents were twined." which helps to show the theme of magic that the sandal and other gifts contain.
Question 1
the crystal merchant serves as an example as one who has chosen to ____Create _______ his Personal Legend.
Question 2 (1 point)
The crystal merchant lives by the philosophy maktub, “it is written”,____Letting life happen to him instead of pursuing his dreams______________.
Question 3 (1 point)
The boy and Fatima also say maktub in different situations. The boy says it to himself when he realizes that the histories of all people are connected and we are able to know everything.
Question 4 (1 point)
Some examples of magical realism in the story include all of the following, except:
The old woman’s daughter
Question 5 (1 point)
What kept the Englishman from transforming lead into gold
This story would have been quite different if the husband had been the narrator, as the couple were opposites bound by love.
- The original passage is in third person point of view so that the readers resonate with Mathilde.
- The story wouldn't have been exaggerated much in some instances.
- We would have understood the husband's struggle in finding the necklace.
- The husband is someone who enjoys simple things in life which would be quite different from Mathilde's point of view- she placed value in luxury that she doesnt posess.
Okay. Since you have to find the synonym of the word, your answer will be rapture, for as a noun, it means ' a intense feeling of pleasure and joy'
hope this helps