Los freegans afirman un principio fundamental que guió sus prácticas: la creencia de que el capitalismo está arruinando la sociedad y que el planeta y su gente están sufriendo.
said that all jews should leave germany
The first human author to make biblical record was Moses and it was written in Hebrew. One can argue that all the records in the Bible are not manipulated but they are all words by God which was written by pious men.
Bible rightly foretold the events that would happen in the future. We could find in the Old Testament the perfect place and lineage of Jesus birth. There are archaeological evidences to prove the historical reliability of the Bible. Jesus Archaeologist while excavating the Mediterranean sea found the limestone block of Pontius Pilate who oversaw Jesus trial. Jesus was crucified with nails when many people said it was not the way men were crucified those days archaeologists have now discovered victims bone ossuaries which had bones of men where nails were driven through the heels.