All you have to do is change the whole number to a fraction. Say you have 4 divided by 1/2. All you have to do to make a whole number a fraction is put it over 1. So now you would have 4/1 (4 being the numerator) divided by 1/2. When you divide fractions always remember this; Keep, Switch, Flip. Keep 4/1, Flip the division sign to multiplication, and Flip 1/2 to make it 2/1. Then you multiply the numerators and the denominators. So 4/1 * 2/1 = 8/1. Hope this helped.
What the english?
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Some skin disorders, like contact dermatitis, are temporary and relatively ... We'll help you identify common skin disorders, explain some treatment ... Here is a list of 25 with pictures. ... from the face down the body three to five days after first symptoms appear ... But what if they're actually a sign of an underlying condition.
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6 times 5 is 30 so 4 times 5 eaquls 20
The answer is 20