Triangle trade
it went tho different places creating a triangle shape
A strict policy of neutrality, the United States would not entangle itself with alliances with other nations.
C. Medes. And your welcome. iohefwjdfnsjndjfnsdjfnjsdfjsd
The Hagia Sophia was originally a church, but once conquered, Byzantium was ruled by Islam. The Hagia Sophia reflects the history of Constantinople, starting out as Christian and then once conquered, becoming Muslim. Today, much of the Hagia Sophia represents Islam with copious amounts of Arabic writing on the walls, and several Minarets surrounding it. The Hagia Sophia is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world
(What was happening in the year 1000 in Europe)
Danes control England. Canute takes throne (1016), conquers Norway (1028), dies (1035); kingdom divided among his sons: Harold Harefoot (England), Sweyn (Norway), Hardecanute (Denmark). Macbeth murders Duncan, king of Scotland. Robert Guiscard, Norman invader, establishes kingdom in Italy, conquers Sicily (1072).
(Changes that occurred in Europe)
During the High Middle Ages, which began after 1000, the population of Europe increased greatly as technological and agricultural innovations allowed trade to flourish and the Medieval Warm Period climate change allowed crop yields to increase.