I almost think its Japan
I hope I'm not wrong but I'm not entirely sure...
Conference committee
A conference committee is a special joint committee that brings together members of the House of Representatives and Senate to resolve issues in legislation to create a bill based in compromise.
A conference committee is used when the House and Senate versions of a bill differ enough that the bill will not be passed in its current state. These committees must compromise to create a new bill or the legislation will be at risk of dying before a vote. Major issues are typically the focus of conference committees such as health care, education, and human rights legislation.
El Artículo 9 de la Constitución de Japón es una cláusula en la Constitución japonesa que prohíbe actos bélicos por parte del estado. La Constitución se aprobó el 3 de mayo de 1947, inmediatamente después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En su texto, el estado renuncia formalmente a la guerra como derecho soberano y prohíbe la resolución de disputas internacionales a través del uso de la fuerza. El artículo también señala que, para cumplir estos objetivos, no se mantendrán fuerzas armadas con potencial bélico, aunque Japón mantiene fuerzas armadas de facto, conocidas como las Fuerzas de Autodefensa de Japón (自衛隊 Jieitai?) (JSDF por sus siglas en inglés).
The mandate of Heaven was the idea that the gods gave the power to rule to ancient Chinese governments. If the government became corrupt because of overtaxing, Natural disasters or the common people revolted because of mistreatment, they believed that the government had lost the mandate of heaven and then the commoners established a new government to rule. This was a reoccurring cycle.